Ko ngā ahanoa e whakaaturia ana ki te mata o te rorohiko e whakamahia ana i taua wā tonu. Hei tauira, mēnā e whakaurua ana he kōrero, he whakaahua, he aha kē atu rānei ki tētahi tuhinga (mā te whakamahi i te papapātuhi me te kiore), ka kīia e hohe ana taua papatono. Mēnā e whakaurua ana he raraunga ki tētahi pūtau pātengi raraunga, ka kīia taua pūtau ko te pūtau hohe.
The objects which are displayed on a computer screen that are currently in use. For example, if text, an image or other material is being entered into a document (by way of using the keyboard and mouse), that program is said to be active. If data is being entered into a cell of a database, that cell is said to be the active cell.
hohe - active, energised