Ko ngā mātāpono, ko ngā tukanga, ko ngā kawa, ko ngā paerewa e whāia whānuitia ana e tētahi rāngai mahi hangarau. Hei tauira, ko ngā tikanga a te hunga raranga e pā ana ki te tapahi me te tiaki harakeke.
The principles, processes, protocols and standards which are widely followed by a specific technology sector. For example the conventions followed by weavers relating to the cutting and care of flax.
aro - to take heed
whānui - widely, generally
Mai rā anō e whai ana te rāngai hangarau koiora i ētahi tikanga arowhānui kia haumaru ai ngā kaimahi.
He aha ētahi o ngā tikanga arowhānui mō te tuhi hoahoa ara iahiko?