Ko tētahi hihi aho tino ngoto nei, he maha ōna whakamahinga i te ao matihiko, tāhiko anō hoki. Hei tauira o mohoa noa nei, ko te pūhihiko taiaho waeakore hei whakapiki anō i te kaha o te pūhiko i tētahi waea atamai, wati atamai rānei.
A single intense beam of light which has many uses in the digital world and electronics. A recent example is the wireless laser charger to replenish battery power in smart phones and smart watches.
taiaho (taiahoaho) - very bright
tai - prefix which carries a qualifying force
aho - light
Me whai pūpānui taiaho te rorohiko, e taea ai te kōpae hihi-ōrangi te whakaatu.
E ai ki te nuinga o ngā mātanga pūtaiao, kāore te taiaho e whakamahia whānuitia ana i ngā kaupapa o ia rā e whakararu i te karu tangata, ahakoa tonu, kaua e tiro mākutu atu ki te taiaho.