He mōtete tāhiko, he waehanga matua o roto i tētahi rorohiko, tētahi atu momo pūrere atamai rānei. Ko tāna mahi he whiwhi i ngā tāurunga, he whārere i ngā papatono pūmanawa, he tuku anō i ngā huaputa e hāngai ana.
An electronic chip which is a major component in computers and other smart devices. Its job is to receive input, execute the software programmes and emit the relevant output.
pū (pūrere) - device
pū - source, origin
tukatuka - process, to start up, proceed forward
I te raru taku rorohiko i tērā wiki, ko te pūtukatuka matua te take.
He pūtukatuka whakairoiro kei ngā rorohiko hou a te kura, ka taea ināianei ngā momo hākoritanga ahutoru me ētahi atu mahi ataata tuatini.
Kāore i te pērā rawa te tere o ngā pūtukatuka i ngā rorohiko o mua.