He waehanga mātuatua o te rorohiko, e tutuki ai te pānui, te tuhi, te whakahou me te muku raraunga e rokirokitia ana ki te pūmahara. He waehanga rāroto o te rorohiko, he pūrere motuhake rānei ka honoa atu ki te rorohiko.
An important component of a computer which enables the reading, writing, modifying and deleting of data that is stored on the memory device. It can be an internal component of the computer or a stand alone device which connects to the computer.
Me tino uaua ka kitea he puku kōpae pīngore i ngā rorohiko hou e putaputa mai ana - kua pū te ruha ki tērā momo hangarau.
Ko te puku kōpae mārō te pūmahara matua o tētahi rorohiko.