Ko te āhei o tētahi pūrere pūmārō, o tētahi pūmanawa rānei ki te aukati i te tuhinga raraunga hou, i te whakahoutanga rānei o ngā raraunga kei tētahi pūrokiroki.
The ability of a hardware device or a piece of software to prevent the writing of new data, or modifying of existing data on a storage device.
Māna au e ako me pēhea te whakapūmau i te pare-tuhi o te kōpae pīngore nei.
Mā te pare-tuhi ka haumaru ai ngā kōnae kei te pūrokiroki nei, e kore e taea te muku, te rāwekeweke rānei.
Kei te pūnaha whakahaere o te rorohiko te tono kia maukati i te pare-tuhi ki tētahi kōnae.