Kāore he takenga whai tikanga o te putanga o tētahi āhuatanga, o tētahi mahi rānei. Arā, ka puta noa mai, kāore i āta whakaritea. Mēnā he matapōkere tētahi pāpono, he ōrite te tūponotanga o ia putanga. Hei tauira, ko te whakaputa i ngā tau waimarie o Lotto. He matapōkere nā te mea he ōrite te tūponotanga o ia tau (mai i te 1 ki te 40).
When there is no reasoned basis for an outcome of something or an action. If a probability event is random, the chance of each outcome is the same. For example, the selection of the lucky numbers for Lotto. This is random because there is an equal chance of each number (from 1 to 40).
matapōkere - blindly, at random, in the dark
kapo noa
He pāpono matapōkere te pīrori i te mataono tau nā te mea he ōrite te tūponotanga puta o ia tau.
Tangohia matapōkerehia tētahi o ngā porotiti i te ipu.
He tīpako matapōkere tēnei hunga tamariki, mai i ngā tamariki katoa o te kura.