Ko te katoa o ngā mea e tirotirohia ana i roto i tētahi tūhuratanga tauanga. Mēnā he uaua kia whai wāhi mai te katoa o te taupori ki te tūhuratanga, ka whakaritea he tīpako, arā, ko tētahi huinga iti hei whakakanohi i te taupori.
The complete set of things under study in a statistical investigation. If it is too difficult for the whole population to be included in the investigation, a sample is set up which is a representative subset of the population.
tau - number
pori - people, tribe
Tautohua te taupori e tirotirohia ana i tēnei tūhuratanga tauanga.
Ko te taupori e tūhuratia ana, ko te taiohi Māori kei waenga i te 12 me te 18 tau te pakeke.
He nui rawa te taupori o te kura hei uiui māu, nō reira me whakarite tētahi tīpako.