Ko te tūhono tika atu i te niho, i te mata tapahi rānei o tētahi taputapu ki te paehuri o tōna pūkaha, mā reira hurihuri ai. Karekau he hanga kē atu hei whakawhiti i te hurihuri o te pūkaha ki te niho, ki te mata rānei, pērā i te tātua, i te nihowhiti rānei.
Connecting the bit or cutting blade of a tool directly to the rotating shaft of its motor in order to spin it. Nothing else is used to transfer the rotation of the motor to the bit or blade, such as a belt or gears.
whakahuri - to turn, rotate
horipū - direct
He whakahuri horipū te wiri pūhiko nei, he whakahuri nihowhiti rānei?
Kāore ngā wīra o te motukā e whakahuri horipūtia, mā te pouaka nihowhiti kē e whitia ai te hurihuri o te pūkaha ki ngā wīra.