Ko te whakanoho mai i ngā raraunga ōrite ki ētahi wāhi e rua, nui ake rānei. Ka taea aua raraunga te tukatuka ki ngā pūrere tukutahi, waihoki mēnā ka whakahouhia he kōnae raraunga i tētahi wāhi, he aunoa te whakahouhia ki ērā atu o ngā wāhi tukutahi.
Placing the same data in two or more locations. That data can be processed on the synchronised devices, and also if a data file in one location is updated, it is automatically updated in the other synchronised places.
Nāna i tukutahi taku waea pūkoro me taku rorohiko.
He aha ngā hua o te tukutahi i taku rorohiko kāinga me te rorohiko tūmau i te wāhi mahi?
E tukutahi ana taku waea pūkoro me taku rorohiko, nō reira ka taetae mai aku īmēra ki ngā pūrere e rua.