Ko tētahi o ngā mahi nui a te pūtau. Ka ngāwherewhere te warowaihā (arā, te kūhuka), ā, ka tukuna te pūngao o roto hei whakapau mā te pūtau ki te tupu, ki te whakaputa uri, ki te nukunuku, otirā, ki te mahi i āna mahi katoa.
One of the important functions of a cell. Carbohydrates (particularly glucose) are broken down to release energy which is used by the cell for growth, for reproduction, for movement and all its other functions.
tuku - release, let go
pūngao - energy
Whakamāramatia mai te rerekē o te tukupūngao ā-hāora me te tukupūngao hāora-kore.
Ko te hauhā (CO2) tētahi o ngā hua o te tukupūngao.