
rāwekeweke whārite

manipulate equation

tūingoa, tūmahi whiti


Ko te mahi hei whakaoti whārite taurangi, arā, he panoni i te whārite kia kitea ai te otinga, kia rerekē rānei te tumu o te whārite. Ko te tikanga matua, kia ōrite te rāwekeweke i ia taha o te whārite kia noho ōrite tonu ai. 

The activity required to solve an algebraic equation, to change the equation so the solution can be found, or so there is a different subject of the equation. The principal convention is that the manipulation must be the same on each side of the equation so that the equality is maintained.

Tauira KŌrero

Pēhea nei te rāwekeweke i tēnei whārite kia riro ko te taurangi a te tumu?

Āta raupapahia ngā hīkoi katoa o te rāwekeweke whārite.

Ko te rāwekeweke whārite tētahi pūkenga matua o te mahi taurangi.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Ko te ture hei tātai i te horahanga tapatoru, ko te H = 1/2 pt

I konei e mōhiotia ana te horahanga me te teitei o te tapatoru, ā, ko te mahi he whiriwhiri i te pūtake. Nō reira, ka rāwekewekehia te whārite:

Tauira KŌrero

Pēhea nei te rāwekeweke i tēnei whārite kia riro ko te taurangi a te tumu?

Āta raupapahia ngā hīkoi katoa o te rāwekeweke whārite.

Ko te rāwekeweke whārite tētahi pūkenga matua o te mahi taurangi.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga