He mātauranga, he kōrero, he ngohe kua whakaemia, he taputapu rānei, ka whakamahia i roto i te tukanga ako. Ko te pukapuka, ko te pānui whakaahua, ko te poraka hangahanga, ko te paetukutuku, ko te ataata hei tauira.
Knowledge, information and activities that have been collated together, or equipment, that is used in the learning and teaching process. Books, posters, building blocks, websites and video are some examples.
Arā ētahi pouako ka whakawhirinaki atu ki ētahi momo rauemi whāiti, tē aro ki ngā rauemi hou e putaputa mai ana i ia tau.
Ka tino whakamahia he rauemi ringapā i ngā akoranga pāngarau i te kura tuatahi.