He matū e noho tahi mai ana ētahi pūmotu e rua (nui ake rānei), ētahi pūhui rānei. Ka pūmau tonu ngā āhuatanga ake o ia pūmotu, pūhui rānei, kāore he tauhohenga e honoa ai ngā ngota o tētahi ki ō tētahi atu. Ko te wai tai tētahi tauira o tēnei mea te ranunga (arā, he ranunga o te wai me te tote).
A substance containing two (or more) elements or compounds. Each element or compound retains its separate characteristics, and there is no chemical bonding of its atoms with those of the other. Sea water is an example of a mixture.
He ranunga aha tēnā?
Mā te autō e wehewehe ai ngā maramara rino o te ranunga.