Ko te tere o te rerekē haere o tētahi āhuatanga i roto i te takanga o te wā. Ko te kauwhata rārangi te mea e tino whakamahia ana hei whakaatu i te pāpātanga o te whiti. Hei tauira, ko te tāroaroa o tētahi tipu i te takanga o te wā.
The speed at which something changes over time. Line graphs are used to show rates of change. For example, the height of a plant over time.
▾pāpātanga - rate
whiti - change
Whakaaturia te pāpātanga o te whiti ki te kauwhata rārangi.
Tātaihia te pāpātanga o te whiti mai i te rā tuatahi ki te rā tuarima.