He rōpū pūhui matū, he kōaro ōna āhuatanga matū i ērā o te waikawa. Ko tā te pāpāhua he whakangū i te waikawa, mā te tango i ngā katote hauwai (H+) wātea o roto i te waikawa. He kaha ake ngā pāpāhua kohuke, pērā i te konukura ōkai (CuO), i ngā pāpāhua whaiwaro. Ko te waipāhua hei ingoa mō te pāpāhua ka memeha ki rō wai. Ko te kukūtanga o tētahi mehanga pāpāhua tētahi āhuatanga matua e kaha ai, e ngoikore ai rānei tōna pāpāhuatanga. Hei tauira o te whakamahinga o te pāpāhua, ko te konupora waihā (Mg(OH)2) i roto i te pire tokopā, me te konutai waihā (NaOH) i ngā wai horoi umu.
A class of chemical compounds with chemical properties opposite to those of an acid. A base neutralises an acid by taking up the free hydrogen ions in the acid. Mineral bases, such as copper oxide (CuO), are generally stronger than organic bases. A base that is soluble in water is called an alkali. The concentration of a base solution is a major factor determining its alkalinity. Examples of bases include magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) which is used in indigestion tablets, and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) which is used in oven cleaners.
Pēhea nei te kaha o te pāpāhua nei, te konupora waihā (Mg(OH)2)?
Rārangihia mai ētahi pāpāhua me te whakamahinga o aua pāpāhua.
Whakamahia ai te pāpāhua hei hanga hopi.