Mēnā he pāhekoheko tētahi papatono rorohiko, ka taea e te kaiwhakamahi te whakauru raraunga, tohutohu rānei. Hei tauira, he pāhekoheko te papatono tukatuka kupu nā te mea e taea ana te whakauru kupu, whakaahua rānei, e taea ana hoki ngā momo tohutohu pērā i te whakarahi i te momotuhi. He pāhekoheko-kore te papatono whakahiato o te rorohiko.
If a computer program is interactive, the user is able to input data and commands. For example, a word processing program is interactive because words or images can be inputted, and also commands such as to enlarge the font size. The compiling program of a computer is non-interactive.
He kēmu pāhekoheko tēnei hei ako i ngā meka matua mō te whakarea.
He aha ngā momo pāhekoheko o tēnei papatono?
Ko te kiore tētahi pūrere tāuru matua e pāhekoheko ai te kaiwhakamahi me tana rorohiko.