E whā ngā paheko tau matua, arā, ngā momo honohono i te tau - ko te tāpiri, ko te tango, ko te whakarea, ko te whakawehe. Ka kīia ēnei paheko katoa, he paheko tāhūrua nā te mea ka puta he tau tuatoru i te pāhekoheko o ētahi tau e rua, ā, ka kīia tērā ko te otinga o te paheko tau.
There are four main number operations or ways of combining numbers together. They are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These are called binary operations because two numbers are combined to produce a third which is called the result of the number operation.
paheko - join, combine
He aha te paheko e tika ana mō tēnei rapanga?
Āta kōwhiria te paheko e tika ana.
Ko tēhea te paheko kōaro o te tangohanga?