Ko te peka mātauranga e aro ana ki te ine i te rahi o te tinana tangata me te ōwehe o ngā wāhanga tinana. He mea nui kia hāngai tonu ngā hua o ngā momo kaupapa hangarau ki ngā raraunga ine tinana. Hei tauira, ko te rahi o tētahi kakau, ko te rahi me te pakari o tētahi tūru.
The field of study which focuses on the measurement of the size of the human body and the proportionality of its parts. It is important that the outputs of various technological projects are in line with anthropometric data, such as the size of a handle and the size and strength of a chair.
▾mātai - inspect, examine
mātai - field of study
ine - to measure
tinana - body
E ai ki ngā rangahau a ngā kaimātai ine tinana, kua kaitā haere te tinana tangata i ngā whenua whai rawa o te ao i ngā rua tekau tau kua pahure nei.