He amiorangi māori e huri haere ana i tētahi aorangi. Kotahi te Marama o Papatūānuku, engari he nui ake i te kotahi ngā Marama o ētahi aorangi, pērā i a Matawhero (e rua ōna) me Pareārau (e 40 ōna). He hauwhā te rahi o te Marama o Papatūānuku i a Papatūānuku, ā, e 384,000km te tawhiti atu. He toka, he pūehuehu te hanga o te Marama. Kāore he wai o reira, kāore ōna kōhauhau, ā, ka piki, ka heke te paemahana mai i te –233°C ki te +123°C.
A natural satellite which orbits a planet. The Earth has one moon, but some other planets have more than one (Mars has two and Jupiter has 40). The Earth’s moon is one quarter the size of the Earth, and is some 384,000km distant. The Moon is composed of solid rock and dust. There is no water on the Moon, it has no atmosphere, and the temperature varies between –233°C ki te +123°C.
He aha i rerekē haere ai te āhua o te Marama e kitea atu ana i te Rangi?
Ko te tō ā-papa o te Marama he hauono (1/6 ) i te tō a-papa o Papatūānuku.