He pūrere hiko hei aukati i te rere o te hiko. Mēnā he nui rawa te iahiko, ka motu te katiara hei aukati i te rere o te hiko. He mea whakamarumaru i te pūrere hiko pērā i te rorohiko – he pai kē atu te motu o te katiara, tērā i te pahū o te rorohiko!
A type of electrical device which stops the flow of electricity. If the electric current is too big, the circuit breaker severs and stops the flow of electricity. It protects electrical devices such as a computer – it is far better for the circuit breaker to sever than the computer to blow up!
kati - block, obstruct
ara - pathway
Honoa tētahi katiara ki roto i te ara iahiko.
E rua wae iahiko te rahi o te katiara nei.
Ki te nui ake i te rua wae iahiko, ka motu te katiara.