Ko te rere o te whana hiko. I te nuinga o te wā, ko te rere o te irahiko i tētahi pūkawe hiko hei kawe i te pūngao hiko, huri noa i tētahi ara iahiko. Ko te rahi o te iahiko, kei te āhua tonu o te parenga iahiko o ngā pūrere me nga waehanga i te ara iahiko, me te ngaohiko e puta ana i te puna hiko.
The flow of an electric charge. Usually this is the flow of electrons in an electrical conductor, and this carries electrical energy around a circuit. The size of the electrical current is dependent on the resistance of the devices and components in the circuit and the voltage of the electrical source.
Me pēhea te ine i te iahiko?
Mēnā he rahi te parenga hiko, he iti te iahiko.
Wehea te ngaohiko ki te parenga iahiko hei tātai i te iahiko.