Ko te āhei o tētahi rauropi, o tētahi pūrere rānei ki te whakaiti i te pūngao moumou ka puta i a ia. He inenga o te hautanga o te pūngao ka uru ki tētahi rauropi, ki tētahi pūrere rānei, ka hurihia hei pūngao whaihua.
The ability of an organism or an appliance to reduce the waste energy that it releases. A measure of the proportion of the energy input of an organism or an appliance that is transformed to useful energy.
▾whāomo (whāomoomo) - to conserve, use sparingly
pūngao - energy
Me pēhea te tātai i te whāomotanga pūngao o te pūrere horoi kaka?
Rārangihia ngā huarahi hei whakapiki i te whāomotanga pūngao o tētahi pūrere.
Kāore e tino rahi te whāomotanga pūngao o te nuinga o ngā pūrama – he nui te pūngao moumou.