Ko te mahi hei whakamahere, hei whakatau i te āhua o tētahi hanga, o tētahi pūnaha, o tētahi tukanga rānei, ko te hua rānei o taua mahi. Ko te tuhi i te mahere me te otinga hangarau ētahi wāhanga matua o te tukanga hoahoa.
The activity of planning and deciding on the form of an object, system or process, or the outcome of that activity. Drawing the plan and technological outcome are important parts of the design process.
He aha ngā āhuatanga āheinga hei āta whakaaroaro māu i te wā e hoahoa ana koe i te pīkau kura?
Whakamāramatia mai te taha toitū me te taha matatika o tō hoahoa.
Ko tāu ināianei, he hanga i tētahi tauira hei whakamātau i te hoahoa, kia kitea ai ngā wāhi hei whakapai ake.