Ko te taputapu, ko te pūmanawa rānei e whakawhitia ai he kōrero, he tohutohu rānei mai i te tangata ki te rorohiko, ki tētahi atu momo pūrere matihiko rānei. Arā hoki ngā tāhono e tūhoto ana i ngā waehanga o tētahi pūnaha rorohiko, pērā i te tāhono pūmanawa e whakawhitia ai ngā raraunga mai i tētahi papatono rorohiko ki te pūrere tā.
An instrument or software which enables a person to communicate with a computer or other type of digital device. There are also interfaces which connect between the components of a computer system, such as the software interface that allows the transfer of data from a computer program to a printer.
tā - causative prefix
hono - to join
Me tāuta te tāhono pūmanawa e hāngai ana ki te pūrere tā.
E mātua whakamahia ana te USB hei tāhono i te pūrere tāuru (pērā i te papapātuhi me te kiore) ki te rorohiko.