He pūrere hei hanga kōhao porokawa i tētahi rawa, pērā i te rākau, i te maitai me te kirihou. Ka whakamaua he nihowiri, ā, ko tā te wiri he hurihuri i te niho hei mahi i te kōhao.
A device used for making circular holes in materials such as wood, metal and plastic. A drillbit is attached and the drill rotates the bit in order to create the hole.
Whakamahia te wiri pūhiko hou hei kōwiri i te kōhao.
Me pēhea te whakamau i te nihowiri ki te wiri?
Tekau mā rua mitamano(mm) te nihowiri rahi rawa atu e taea ana ki tēnei wiri.