He hākina ā-kapa, mātua rā mā te hunga tamariki, he momo whutupōro tukikore. E whitu ngā kaitākaro o ia kapa e tākaro ana i te wā kotahi, 10 meneti te roa o ia haurua o te kēmu. Kei te takiwā o te 60 mita te roa o te papa tākaro, e 30 mita te whānui. He tātua ka whakamaua ki ia kaitākaro, me ōna kihukihu e rua e piripiri ana. Kāore te kaikawe pōro e rutua, engari kē ka kōwhakina tētahi o āna kihukihu.
A team sport mainly for children, a non-contact version of rugby. There are seven players from each team playing at any one time, and each half is ten minutes long. The field is about 60 metres long and 30 metres wide. Each player has a belt with two tassels attached with velcro. The ball carrier is not tackled but instead one of their tassels is torn off.
kōwhaki - to pluck, tear off
Kua whakaritea he whakataetae whutupōro kōwhaki mā te hunga tamariki, mai i te rima tau te pakeke ki te tekau tau.
Kua hokona e te kura he tātua kihukihu mō ngā kapa whutupōro kōwhaki.
He tino pai te whutupōro kōwhaki mō te ako pūkenga pōro, pūkenga ā-kapa hoki.