He tukanga e mutu ai te haere a te ākonga ki tētahi kura, ā, ka tīmata ki kura hou. Ko ētahi whakawhitinga matua, ko te kura kōhungahunga ki te kura tuatahi, ko te kura tuatahi ki te kura waenga, ki te kura tuarua rānei, ko te kura waenga ki te kura tuarua, ko te kura tuarua ki tētahi whareako paetoru.
A process where a student's attendance at one school finishes and they begin at a new school. Some of the main transitions are from early childhood to primary, from primary to intermediate or secondary, from intermediate to secondary, and from secondary to a tertiary education provider.
E mahi tahi ana te kōhanga reo me te kura tuatahi ki te whakangāwari i te whakawhitinga o ngā tamariki.
He mea nui kia kaua te ākonga e āmaimai i tana whakawhitinga kura.
He ngāwari noa iho tana whakawhitinga mai i te kōhanga reo ki te kura, nā te mea i whakawhiti ia i te taha o ōna hoa tokomaha.