Ko te huri i tētahi wē hei totoka mā te whakamātao. He rerekē te pae whakatoka o ngā wē rerekē. Ko te kore tākiri tohurau (0°C) te pae whakatoka o te wai. Koirā anō hoki te pae rewa o te tio.
A change of state from a liquid to a solid by cooling. Different liquids have different freezing points. The freezing point of water is zero degrees Celcius (0°C). This is the same as the melting point of ice.
Pēhea nei te ine i te pae whakatoka o tētahi wē?
Raupapahia ngā wē, mai i te mea tino hahaka te pae whakatoka, ki te mea tino teitei te pae whakatoka.
He ōrite te pae whakatoka me te pae rewa o tētahi matū.