Kotahi anake te matua hei whakaputa i ngā uri, kāore he wāhi ki te tukanga whakatō. He māmā tēnei tukanga whakaputa uri, he tere, ā, he maha hoki ngā uri ka puta. He ōrite ngā uri katoa ki te matua nā te mea he ōrite ngā ira. Arā ētahi tipu ka taea te whakaputa uri mā te tukanga tōtahi, mā te tōrua hoki. Hei tauira, ko te rōpere.
Only one parent is involved in producing offspring, there is no process of fertilisation. Asexual reproduction is simple and fast and produces many offspring which are all identical to the parent because they have identical genes. Some plants are able to produce offspring both asexually and sexually, for example the strawberry plant.
whakaputa uri - reproduction
tō - be conceived
tōtahi - single, alone
He aha ētahi raruraru ka pā ki te rauropi whakaputa uri tōtahi?
Rārangihia ētahi o ngā tipu ka taea te whakaputa uri tōtahi.
He tere te tukanga whakaputa uri tōtahi nā te mea kāore he wāhi ki te kimi hoa whakaputa uri.