
whakamarohi ~tia ~tanga

optimise, optimisation (computing)

tūingoa, tūmahi whiti, tūāhua


Ko te āta rāwekeweke i tētahi tukanga hangarau kia pai ake ai te otinga, i tētahi otinga hangarau rānei kia pai ake ai tana mahi.

The careful and deliberate manipulation of a technological process to improve the outcome, or of a technological outcome to improve its functionality.

Tauira KŌrero

Me pēhea te whakamarohi i te haere o taku rorohiko?

Ko tāna e whai ana ko te whakamarohi i te whakapaunga hiko a ngā pūrere i tana kāinga.

Ko te whakatōpū kongakonga tētahi tukanga hei whakamarohi i te mahi a te rorohiko.

Takenga Mai

whakamarohi - to strengthen, reinforce, enhance

Tauira KŌrero

Me pēhea te whakamarohi i te haere o taku rorohiko?

Ko tāna e whai ana ko te whakamarohi i te whakapaunga hiko a ngā pūrere i tana kāinga.

Ko te whakatōpū kongakonga tētahi tukanga hei whakamarohi i te mahi a te rorohiko.