He pūnaha waihanga papatono rorohiko, he ara waihanga rānei. Kua oti kē he kīanga waehere te whakaemi ki te pūrei kotahi, ka kīia he paraka waehere. Ko tā ia paraka, he whakatutuki i tētahi mahi whāiti pērā i te nuku, i te tuhi me te tātai. Ka whakanōhia tahitia he paraka hei hanga i te papatono. He ara tēnei hei whakaako i te tamariki ki te tuhiwaehere rorohiko, kāore e warea ki te ako i tētahi reo waehere ā-kuputuhi, pērā i te Perl.
A system or approach to creating a computer program. Coded expressions have been pre-assembled in clusters called blocks with each block able to perform a specific operation, such as write, move or calculate. Blocks are placed together in order to create the program. This is an approach to teaching computer coding to children without the necessity of learning a text based coding language such as Perl.
I tō mātou kura ka tīmata te ako tuhiwaehere ā-paraka i te tau toru.
He māmā te tūhura me te waihanga hākoritanga i te tuhiwaehere ā-paraka