

platform (computing)



He tōpūtanga hangarau matihiko ka noho hei tūāpapa mō tētahi pūnaha rorohiko, pūmanawa mai, pūmārō mai. Ka whai wāhi atu ko te rorohiko tonu me tōna pūnaha whakahaere.

An assembly of digital technologies which forms the foundation for a computer system, both software and hardware. It includes both the computer and its operating system.

Tauira KŌrero

He aha te pūhara o ngā rorohiko a te kura?

Ko te Mac OS te pūhara o ngā rorohiko āporo, pērā i te iMac.

Kāore tēnei papatono e hāngai ana ki te pūhara Windows.

Takenga Mai

pūhara - elevated platform in a pā

Tauira KŌrero

He aha te pūhara o ngā rorohiko a te kura?

Ko te Mac OS te pūhara o ngā rorohiko āporo, pērā i te iMac.

Kāore tēnei papatono e hāngai ana ki te pūhara Windows.