

soccer, football



He hākina ā-kapa ka tākarohia ki waenga i ētahi kapa e rua, tekau mā tahi ngā kaitākaro o ia kapa e tākaro ana i te wā kotahi. He mātiratira kei ngā pito e rua o te papa tākaro, ka kīia he ūhanga, ā, ko te whāinga kia whanaia te pōro ki roto i te ūhanga, mā reira e piro ai. Ka mātua whanaia te pōro ki waenga i ngā kaitākaro o te kapa kia rorerautia te hoariri. Kāore e whakaaetia te pā o te ringa ki te pōro, engari he pai noa iho te tumu o te tinana me te upoko.

A team sport played between two teams with eleven players from each team on the field playing at one time. There is a net at each end of the field which is called a goal, and the aim is to kick the ball into the goal in order to score. The ball is kicked between the players of a team in order to outsmart the opposition. Players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands, but the trunk of the body and head are able to be used.

Tauira KŌrero

E hoa, kaua e wareware te whakangungu poiwhana ā muri i te kura āpōpō.

Huri i te ao ka kīia e ōna apataki ko te poiwhana te 'kēmu ātanga'.

E ai ki ngā rangahau ko te poiwhana te tino tākaro a te tokomaha, e whā piriona ōna apataki, huri i te ao.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Koia nei te papa tākaro poiwhana me ōna wāhanga:

Ko ngā tūranga o roto i te kapa poiwhana:

Koia nei ētahi o ngā mahi i te papa tākaro:

Takenga Mai

poi - ball

whana - to kick

Tauira KŌrero

E hoa, kaua e wareware te whakangungu poiwhana ā muri i te kura āpōpō.

Huri i te ao ka kīia e ōna apataki ko te poiwhana te 'kēmu ātanga'.

E ai ki ngā rangahau ko te poiwhana te tino tākaro a te tokomaha, e whā piriona ōna apataki, huri i te ao.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga