He momo hononga ki waenganui i ētahi taurangi e rua. Mēnā he pānga riterite horipū, he ōrite te ōrau whakapiki, whakaheke rānei o ngā taurangi e rua. Mēnā he pānga riterite kōaro, he ōrite te ōrau whakapiki o tētahi taurangi me te ōrau whakaheke o tētahi.
A type of relationship between two variables. In a directly proportional relationship the percentage increase or decrease of each of the variable is the same. In an inversely proportional relationship, the percentage increase of one variable is the same as the percentage decrease of the other.
pānga - relationship
pā - relate to, to be connected with
riterite - be alike, regular