Ko te wānanga e hāngai ana ki te āhua o te neke o te tinana, mātua rā ko te mahi tahi a ngā uaua, ngā kōiwi, ngā pona, ngā iohere me ngā nape, e pai ai te neke o ngā wāhanga o te tinana.
The area of study relating to the way a body moves, mainly focusing on how muscles, bones, joints, tendons and ligaments work together to enable the body to move.
mātai - the study of
neke - movement
tinana - body
Ko te mātai neke tinana tētahi wāhanga matua o te kori tinana i tēnei taumata o te kura.
Mā te mātai neke tinana e mārama ai te kaipara ki te neke o tōna tinana me ngā momo wharanga tērā pea ka heipū ake i tana whakangungu me tana tākaro.
He pai ki a ia te mātai neke tinana, me te whakahāngai i ērā mātauranga ki te whakapakari i tōna kapa.