He raupapatanga pū, tau, tohu, paheko rānei i roto i tētahi reo papatono, hei whiriwhiri mā te rorohiko kia mōhio ai ia ki tāna mahi, kia puta ai he otinga. Ka kīia tēnei tukanga, ko te whakamāori.
A sequence of letters, numbers, symbols or operations in a programming language which are interpreted by a computer in order for it to undertake the operation and produce a result. This process is called interpretation.
Me pēhea te tuhi i te kīanga pāngarau nei, te x+3 hei kīanga i te reo rorohiko Perl?
Ko tā te rorohiko, he whakamāori i te kīanga kia puta ai he otinga.