He kaikawe tahumaero tino mōkitokito, ka noho ki roto i ngā pūtau o tētahi rauropi papa. Ko te koroputaputa, ko te rewharewha hei tauira o ngā tahumaero huaketo tangata, arā anō ngā mate huaketo e mate ai te tipu.
A sub-microscopic carrier of disease that lives in the cells of a host organism. Smallpox and influenza are examples of human viral diseases, there are other viruses that infect plants.
hua - outcome, product
keto - infested with maggots
He aha ngā whakatūpatotanga kia kore ai e hōrapa ngā mate huaketo hei tahumaero urutā?
Rangahautia ngā momo huaketo e mate ai te tipu.
Ka tupu, ka whakaputa uri te huaketo i roto i ngā pūtau o tētahi rauropi papa.