He hangarau hou ka whakakapi i tētahi hangarau tawhito, inā he pai ake te mea hou i te mea tawhito. Ka kīia he hangarau porohuri nā te mea ka heke te whakamahinga o te hangarau tawhito, ngā tūranga mahi e whai pānga ana, me te moni ka hua ake i te hoko i taua hangarau. E hāngai ana te hangarau porohuri ki te pūrere pūmārō me te pūmanawa.
A new and improved technology which replaces an old technology. It is called a disruptive technology because use of the old technology declines along with the jobs and profits associated with it. Disruptive technology applies to both hardware devices and software.
porohuri - to upset, overturn
He hangarau porohuri te kōpae ataata i tōna wā, inā ka whakakapi i te wāhi ki te rīpene ataata me ngā pūrere rīpene ataata a te tokomaha.
He tau ka huri, he hangarau porohuri ka puta.
Tāria te wā, ka puta he hangarau porohuri hou hei whakapōrearea i te hunga mātāpuputu.