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Te Papakupu o Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
Ngā Wāhanga Ako: Te Reo Matatini, Ngā Toi, Pāngarau, Pūtaiao, Hangarau, Tikanga ā-Iwi, Hauora, Para Kore, Mātauranga Whānui
He tukanga ōkiko e wehea ai tētahi wē me te parataiao e noho ana ki taua wē. Ka āta ringia te wē kia kore ai e ueue te parataiao.
A physical process to separate a liquid from any sediment in that liquid. The liquid is carefully poured off without disturbing the sediment.
He aha ētahi whakamahinga o te tukanga āta tāhoro?
Me āta tāhoro te wai, kia noho tonu te oneone ki te takere o te ipurau.
Ka āta tāhoroa te waina whero kia wehea mai ai ngā tioata matū.
āta - carefully, slowly, deliberately
tāhoro - to pour out