He pūmanawa rorohiko e mārama ana ki te reo ā-waha o te tangata. Ka whakamahia hei whakahaere pūrere, hei urupare i ngā tono a te kaiwhakamahi, hei tuhi kupu rānei me te kore o te whai wāhi mai o te papapātuhi, o te kiore rānei.
A computer program which understands the human voice. It can be used to operate a device, to respond to a user's commands and to write text without having to use the keyboard or mouse.
He āhukahuka reo te pūrere oro hono iarere kei taku motukā, he mōhio ki aku tono.
Ko Siri tētahi tauira o tēnei mea te pūmanawa āhukahuka reo.
Ko wai mā kei te whakawhanake i te pūmanawa āhukahuka reo Māori?