Ko ngā mahi whakahaere me ngā momo hangarau e iti ai te pānga o te mahi whakaputa taonga me te mahi whakarato ki te taiao. Ka whai wāhi atu:
Management practices and the use of technology to minimise the harmful environmental effects of the manufacture of products or provision of services. This includes:
whakanao - manipulate, operate on, make
toitū - sustainable
He aha ētahi tauira o te whakanaotanga toitū e kitea mai ana i roto i te mahi whakaputa miraka?
Rārangihia mai ngā mahi whakanaotanga toitū e taea ana e ngā umanga hao ika.
He hua tahua tētahi o ngā painga ka puta i te whakanaotanga toitū.