Ko te tuitui i ngā mara papanga hei waihanga i tētahi kahu whakarāwai, i tētahi papangarua whakarāwai rānei e whai whakapuru ana. Ka whakapiria ngā mara papanga, kātahi ka tuia ki tētahi papanga nui ka noho ki muri, ko te whakapuru ki waenganui. Mā te whakapuru e mahana ai te papangarua.
Sewing together pieces of fabric to create a decorative garment or decorative quilt that includes batting. The pieces of fabric are joined together and then sewn onto a larger piece of fabric which serves as the backing, with the batting in between. Batting makes the quilt warm.
▾tui - to stitch, sew
papangarua - quilt
tui kuira
Ka mutu tana pai ki te tui papangarua.
He utukore ngā tauira tui papangarua i tērā paetukutuku.
He maha ngā momo tuitui e kitea ana i te tui papangarua nei.