He tō, he pana rānei ka pā ki tētahi mea. Ki te pā he tōpana ki tētahi mea, ka neke taua mea, ka tere ake, ka pōturi iho rānei te neke, ka rerekē te ahunga o te neke, ka rerekē rānei te āhua o taua mea. Kāore e kitea te tōpana, engari e kitea ana te hua o te tōpana.
A pull or push which acts on an object. A force applied to an object causes that object to move, to speed up or slow down, to change direction, or to change its appearance. A force cannot be seen, but the effect of a force can be seen.
▾tō - pull
pana - push
He aha ngā tōpana e neke ai tētahi pahikara?
Hoahoatia ngā tōpana.
Ko te pere hei tohu i tētahi tōpana me te whakaatu anō i te ahunga o te tōpana.