Ko te āhua o te noho tahi mai o ngā rauropi o roto i tētahi pūnaha hauropi. Ka ora tētahi rauropi i te mahi a tētahi atu, me te āhua o te taiao o taua pūnaha hauropi (pērā i te āhuarangi me te oneone). Ka ora te pūnaha hauropi i te mahi a ngā rauropi katoa e noho hapori ana ki taua wāhi. Ko te māwhaiwhai kame hei tauira o te taupuhipuhinga o ngā rauropi o tētahi pūnaha hauropi.
The way organisms live together in an ecosystem. Each organism depends on others, and the physical environment of the ecosystem (such as the climate and the soil). The health of the ecosystem depends also on the actions of each organism living as a community in that location. The food web is an example of the interdependence of the organisms in an ecosystem.
taupuhipuhi - lean on one another
Tuhia he tauira o te taupuhipuhinga o ngā rauropi o te pū harakeke.
Mā te taupuhipuhi o ngā rauropi e ora ai tētahi pūnaha hauropi.