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Te Papakupu o Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
Ngā Wāhanga Ako: Te Reo Matatini, Ngā Toi, Pāngarau, Pūtaiao, Hangarau, Tikanga ā-Iwi, Hauora, Para Kore, Mātauranga Whānui
He pūrere, ina ka herea tētahi mea taumaha ki te pito wātea o tētahi aho, tētahi rākau rānei kia māhorahora ai te piu whakamua, whakamuri hoki.
A device in which a weight is secured to the end of a cord or rod in order that it can swing freely backwards and forwards.
E hia ngā piunga o te tārere i roto i te haurua meneti?
Tukuna te tārere kia piu.
Ko te tō ā-papa e kukume ana i te tārere.
He tārere tēnei:
Mai i te wāhi tīmatanga o te piu, hoki anō ai ki taua wāhi, ka kīia tērā ko te piunga kotahi. E toru ngā āhuatanga ka pā ki te wā e oti ai te piunga kotahi: