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Te Papakupu o Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
Ngā Wāhanga Ako: Te Reo Matatini, Ngā Toi, Pāngarau, Pūtaiao, Hangarau, Tikanga ā-Iwi, Hauora, Para Kore, Mātauranga Whānui
He āhua ahu-3, he mata porowhita kei ōna pito e rua, he whakarara hoki ērā mata porowhita. He mata kōpiko e hono ana i ngā porowhita e rua.
A 3-dimensional shape with a circular face at either end which are parallel to each other. The circles are joined by a curved surface.
Kimihia he rango i te akomanga.
Tirohia tēnei rango me tēnei mataono rite. Ki tōu whakaaro, ko tēhea te mea he nui ake te rōrahi?
Tātaihia te horahanga o te porowhita, ka whakareatia ki te teitei o te rango, ka hua ko te rōrahi o te rango.
He rango tēnei me ōna wāhanga:
Koinei te ture hei tātai i te rōrahi o tētahi rango: R = πp2t (R = rōrahi, π = 3.14 ... [he tau pūmau], p = pūtoro, t = teitei)
rango - roller