Ko te whakaritenga kei waenganui i tētahi tangata me tana pēke, hei pupuri mā te pēke i ngā moni a te tangata (me te tipu anō o te huamoni), hei tuku rānei mā te pēke i te moni taurewa ki te tangata (me te utu anō a te tangata i te huamoni ki te pēke).
An arrangement between a person and their bank whereby the person’s money is held by the bank (which generates interest), or the bank allows the person money in credit (which the person pays interest on).
Kei te whero, kei te pango rānei tō pūtea pēke?
Tirohia te ripanga kaute ā-marama o te pūtea pēke.
He tōraro te moni tango i te pūtea pēke, he tōrunga te monikuhu.