Ko te katoa o ngā ira rerekē o tētahi momo, o tētahi taupori rānei. Mēnā he rahi tonu te puna ira, he tohu tēnā i te matatini o ngā ira me te pakari o taua momo, o taua taupori rānei. Mēnā he iti tonu te puna ira, he tohu tēnā i te ngoikore o te momo, o te taupori rānei. Ka hua ake te iti haere o te puna ira i te aitanga a ngā whanaunga tata, arā, te pūpukurua.
All of the unique genes of a species or population. A large gene pool indicates extensive genetic diversity and robustness of that species or population. A small gene pool is an indication of a weak species or population. A reduced gene pool can arise from inbreeding.