He taputapu hei tapahi maitai, hei hono maitai rānei. Ka whakaputaina he mura tino pūkākā mā te whakahanumi i tētahi kora pērā i te haurehu āwaro, me te hāora. Ka eke te paemahana ki te takiwā o te 3,500ºC, hei reira rewa ai te maitai. Mēnā e tapahia ana he poro maitai ka motukia ngā wāhanga e rua. Mēnā e honoa ana ētahi poro maitai e rua ka piri tētahi ki tētahi i te mātaotanga.
A tool for cutting or joining metal together. A very hot flame is produced by mixing a fuel such as acetylene gas with oxygen. The temperature reaches about 3,500ºC where the metal becomes molten. If the purpose is to cut the metal, it is duly severed. If two pieces are being welded, they fuse together when cooled.
pū - gun
mura - flame
He aha ngā tikanga haumaru mō te whakamahi i te pūmura?
E rua ngā kura o te pūmura - ko tētahi hei whāngai i te kora haurehu, ko tētahi hei whāngai i te hāora.
Kua tino whai pūkenga a Hera ki te whakamahi pūmura.